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Common Workplace Injuries Covered by WorkSafeBC

Provincial legislationestablished the Workers’ Compensation Board (“WCB”), or WorkSafeBC, to oversee a no-fault insurance system for injuries or illnesses sustained in the workplace.  WorkSafeBC aims to prevent workplace injuries by educating employers and workers on workplace safety and provide support and compensation for injured workers. 

This article will address what WCB claims are, as well as the common injuries that WorkSafeBC covers, and aims to assist those looking to learn more about what injuries are covered by WorkSafeBC and how workers can seek assistance for workplace injuries.

What are WCB Claims?

Workers have the right to report any workplace injury or disease to WCB.  When WCB receives a report of a workplace injury a claim is opened, and the report is investigated.  WCB is also responsible for the prevention of workplace injuries and illness, which they do through providing health and safety education to workers and employers, conducting site inspections to ensure regulations are being followed, and providing access to prevention resources. 

Administering and overseeing claims are part of WCB’s mandate to rehabilitate, compensate and assist injured workers.  Once a report is received, WCB determines if the worker is eligible for benefits.  In order for a WCB claim to be filed the following criteria must be met:

  • A claim must be reported with in one year of the date of injury.
  • The worker must have been working for a person or company that is covered by WorkSafeBC
  • The injury or illness must be work related.

If the eligibility criteria is satisfied a claim can be filed and reviewed by WorkSafeBC.

Common Workplace Injuries Covered by WorkSafeBC

According to WorkSafeBC, the most common types of injury claims they accepted in 2022 were strains (other than back strains), occupational disease, back strains, cuts, and contusions.  However, WCB coverage applies to various types of workplace injuries and illnesses including overexertion, fractures, hearing loss, burns, occupational cancer, allergic reactions, mental health injuries, etc.

WorkSafeBC provides a wide range of coverage that encompasses various types of injuries.  Filing a claim allows WorkSafeBC to review a workplace injury and assess whether it falls under their broad scope of coverage and if compensation and rehabilitation services can be provided to assist with recovery.

WorkSafeBC Coverage for Workplace Injuries

WorkSafeBC provides coverage for health care treatments such as physiotherapy, dental, and surgeries related to accepted conditions.  WorkSafeBC also provides wage loss benefits, permanent disability benefits, home maintenance and personal care allowances, and vocational rehabilitation benefits where applicable. 

If you are injured at work, you should report the injury to your employer, see your physician and let them know you were injured at work, and file a claim with WorkSafeBC.  Claims can be filed via phone, mail or online and should be filed as soon as possible after an injury.

Once a report has been made to WorkSafeBC a claim number is assigned and the claim will be reviewed.  As part of the review the worker will be asked to grant WorkSafeBC permission to ask others, such as health care providers, for information relevant to the claim.  It is important for a worker who has filed a claim to follow up regularly with their health care provider and stay in contact with WorkSafeBC as the claim is investigated.  It is recommended by WorkSafeBC that the worker also remain in contact with their employer if they are off work, and keep all receipts related to the treatment of their injury. 

Once a claim is accepted the worker will be informed of the benefits they are being provided.  If a claim is not accepted the worker has the option of asking for the decision to be reconsidered or requesting a review of the decision.

It is important for injured workers to file a WCB claim so that they may receive the benefits that they are entitled to. 

Why Should You Seek Legal Help?

A knowledgeable WCB lawyer can assist you in understanding the claims process and how the policies apply to your injury and situation.  As WorkSafeBC does include a broad range of coverage it can be difficult to understand what compensation and services you are entitled to due to your workplace injury.  The assistance of an experienced WCB lawyer can help you navigate the process and can increase your chances of receiving compensation.

Why Choose Gosal & Company for your WCB Claim?

WorkSafeBC coverage can apply to a wide range of workers for a variety of injuries, and while that assists with workers getting the compensation they are entitled to, it can also make the process daunting and confusing if you are not sure how to approach your specific injury and coverage options.  Having an experienced legal team on your side can help you get the maximum compensation you are entitled to.  Gosal & Company has successfully represented injured workers for over 31 years and has helped secure many positive outcomes for clients, including assisting clients with getting increased loss of function awards that more accurately represent the significant impact of their injuries. 

If you would like to schedule a telephone consultation appointment, please call us at (604) 591-8187.  You can also send a private and confidential message using our contact form or an email to